

Sue Bigl


Contact info: Susan (Sue Rindge) Bigl, 618 Bigl Lane Bradford, VT 05033 Email

Personal: I have been married to Robert (Bob) Bigl since 1981. We have lived in our off-grid home in Bradford since 1982.  Our two sons, Ryan (32) and Matthew (29) (Midd class ‘10.5), also live in Bradford.
Professional: I am retired after working as a research physical scientist at the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab in Hanover, NH for my entire career.

Favorite memory: Learning “Classical Gas” on my guitar in the basement of the “old” science center while taking breaks from preparing my senior thesis in geology. Another involves skinny dipping at Lake Dunmore on a hot spring day.

Favorite professor:  Dave Folger, of the geology department.

Favorite song: I remember dancing to “Amie,” by Pure Prairie League.

Christi and antique car at Middlebury Languages 100th anniversary

This photo was taken summer 2015 at Middlebury’s 100th anniversary of the Language Schools.  There was a huge dance to which we were supposed to dress as if it were 1915 and many of us took pictures in front of the vintage car.  The mountain of desserts representing all the language schools was a feast for the eyes, taste buds and stomach.

Family info: I am happily divorced and have a boyfriend of five years who lives in the area. My three sons are all in their thirties.  My oldest is a film-maker and gets sent to China, Brazil, Singapore, Argentina etc. My second son is a smoke-jumper out of McCall, Idaho and he travels out west following the fires.  My youngest son is a bank manager in the Boston area.  My cat, Cleo, lives with me in my log home in Marlborough, Connecticut.  The joy of my life right now is doing activities with my three grandchildren – two boys in Oregon and a girl in Connecticut.  I had my whole family (11 of us!) at my house for six days in April – Easter baskets, French April Fools, dinosaurs, barbecues, the Science Center and just being together.


Professional Background: I am retiring from 36 years of teaching (28 that count for the State of Connecticut).  My post for the last 14 has been fifth and sixth grade French and Spanish in Farmington, CT.  I have run the “Taste of Languages” club, the Diversity Ambassador training, the Rhyme Celebration, and the trip to local French bakery where students request a pastry and drink in French.   Languages, Cultures and Diversity have been my constants (same as Middlebury years!)

Favorite Memory:  Sophomore year a group of friends in the Chateau prepared a surprise birthday breakfast for me with eggs Benedict, home-made croissants, champagne etc.  I guiltily missed physics that morning.

Memorable professors:  Roberto Veguez, Marisol Maura, Mrs. Baker (even though I never took Russian!)

Memorable song:  I also remember the triumvirate of James Taylor, Carol King and Carly Simon.  However, the song that reminds the most of Middlebury is “Benny and the Jets” blasting out of dorm windows.

Old photo:  From the Synchronized Swimming extravaganza senior year, a publicity photo of our  exuberant number, “Puttin’ on the Ritz”  in which there were  girls tap dancing on the side of the pool along with “Clark Gable” and other girls swimming in the pool.  This picture was nice because of the reflection.

Puttin' on the Ritz - Middlebury Synchronized Swim Extravaganza 1976


Family: Here I am at a recent family event with my sister Beth. I’m living in Huntington Beach, California but have recently bought our old childhood home in Glens Falls, N.Y. and plan to spend summers there in the Adirondacks. I’ve been sharing life with Duc Nguyen for 28 years now, along with assorted dogs.

Contact info:

Professional background: After graduate school at the University of Maryland, I worked as a writer for Ronald Reagan and then for a U.S. Congressman. Moved to California in 1983 to work for the Governor and then the state Attorney General. Since the mid-1990s I’ve been working for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and along the way have written several books on business and entrepreneurship.

Favorite memory: Reading great Hemingway, Fitzgerald and Dos Passos novels during winter semester and getting course credit for doing so; sharing “ontological heroics” with friends and professors at Ups and the Alibi; the day Ronald Reagan unexpectedly showed up on campus.

Memorable professors: Murray Dry, Phil Gura, Peter Stitt, and John Conron.

Memorable song: anything from Joni Mitchell’s For the Roses or Court and Spark albums.

Old Photo: With Gary Holmes when Ronald Reagan visited campus on a tour with his son Ron. 

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