

Family of Four 2


Personal Information: I have been married to David Whitcomb since 1992. We live in Chatham MA.  David owns a tree business and I am the school adjustment counselor at Monomoy Regional High School. Our son Zach is at the University of Colorado Boulder,  majoring in film and will graduate in 2017 – he seems to be on the 6 year college plan. Sydney is a junior at Wake Forest University.  She is a biology and art major and is planning on medical school. She’s also on the dance team so we have enjoyed watching her at many Wake football games.

Contact, cell: 508-241-5133, home: 508-945-0360. PO Box 1212, West Chatham, MA 02669

Professional Information: After Middlebury I worked in a lab at the Rockefeller University in New York for awhile and then went to graduate school at Columbia for a Maters in Public Health.  I worked as a hospital administrator for three years  in Brooklyn and then moved to Chatham. There I worked at various jobs until I went to graduate school again in 1993 at Boston College Graduate School of Social Work.  Since graduating from BC I have worked with troubled adolescents at various locations and am currently at the new regional high school in Harwich, MA.

Memorable professors: Wayne Bell and George Saul.  Wayne was my advisor and Prof Saul taught a very memorable genetics course.

Memorable Music: No one song – but singers that bring it all back for me: Neil Young, Jackson Brown, Bonnie Raitt.

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Family: Met my wife Candace (above) in a refugee camp 25 years ago. With the ungodly heat, dirt and overflowing toilets, not the most romantic spot, but it has worked. Guess it’s good exploring a new relationship while seeing how each other copes with a little adversity! Kids (3) and grandkids (3) are spread out all over the world. In fact, the most central location for all of us to get together last Christmas was Hawaii (could be worse). Happily you can fly non-stop to most everywhere in the world from the Atlanta airport.

Professional: After graduate school and then medical school, I served 20 years as a Medical Officer in the US Navy—the refugee camp was one of many adventures. After that I’ve continued to practice medicine and teach, first at the University of Kentucky and now at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Contact information:

Favorite Professor: John Hunisak. Had lunch with him in Middlebury last fall. At one point I came close to becoming an Art History major. That would have certainly changed the trajectory of my life!

Memorable Song  “Bad Company” by Bad Company


Middlebury photo: Graduation day with Joan Carroll, Sue Charlesworth, Betsy Baetjer and Gilda Abbatangelo.

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