

 John& Ann Photo  Chicago Dec 2012
John and Ann Germanow
Beck- Germ Blended Family Pic EG House
Blended Family- John and Ann;  Gabe and Jesse Germanow on left; Rick, Evan and Sophie Beckerman on right


Family info  Ann and I married July 31, 2004 in the backyard of our home in Pittsford NY, outside Rochester, We are a blended family with 5 kids. My two kids from my first marriage- Gabe (31) and Jesse (27) Germanow. Ann’s kids from her first marriage- Rick (31), Evan (28) and Sophie (24) Beckerman. We are fortunate that our kids have gotten along very well together. Many a summer weekend early in our marriage was spent at a family cottage on nearby Keuka Lake and winter weekends and Holidays were spent skiing in the resort town of Ellicottville NY, South of Buffalo. We’ve also taken family trips to Aspen Co, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon, and Mexico. Ann’s 3 kids all live in San Diego, my son Gabe lives in N. Cal near Yosemite Park and my son Jesse is finishing a Masters this summer at London School of Economics and will likely end up on the West coast too. So it appears Ann and I will be spending much more time there in the years to come!

Ann and I have been able to take some time away from work in the past few years to enjoy travels to San Diego of course, Hawaii, Italy and just recently Scotland, England and Ireland. We enjoy exploring, walking, hiking on these trips and of course tasting the local foods! Around Rochester we walk,bike and ski as well and enjoy going to the latest movies. Personally, I gave up Rugby a while ago but I still play in a weekly basketball league in the Winter and a weekly golf league in the summer.

Contact Info
John Germanow
38 Chelsea Park
Pittsford, NY 14534

585-218-0672 Home
585-330-6090 Cell

Professional Background  My wife and I started a business 10 years ago- The Scensible Source Co. and Our tag line is “Innovative Products for the Disposal of Feminine Care Items”! The genesis for the business was Ann’s experience at a prior work place where the existing disposal conditions were unacceptable to her and she knew right then and there that there had to be a better way! After a lot of tinkering, prototyping, market surveys, focus groups etc we developed our first and still primary product- a small, single use plastic disposal bag- with a fragrance-hence the name “Scensibles”- a double entendre evoking the scent and a practical, useful, makes sense kind of product. We have grown steadily every year form those humble beginnings to broaden our line to include wall mounted dispensers for packs of the bags, specialized feminine waste receptacle bags and more recently larger bags for adult bladder control. Most of our business is in the US supplying a wide variety of commercial and public facilities including Disneyland, San Diego Zoo, Atlanta Airport, Washington State Ferry system, Ohio State Univ., Wegmans Grocers, U Mass. We source our products from manufacturers in China, Italy and the UK that are able to hold to our quality standards. We are looking forward to the next few years of accelerated growth as we embark on some new partnerships and large customers.

Prior to this I spent 10 years as an independent broker/agent/intermediary raising start-up and growth financing for promising local companies and working on small Merger and Acquisition deals through an International Assoc. of M & A professionals.

Before this I was co-owner of a small environmental services firm for four years where we performed Air testing and monitoring for Asbestos removal projects, environmental surveys and oversaw small soil cleanup jobs.

I joined our family business- plastic watch crystals and lenses and industrial and commercial thermometers- in Rochester right after completing my MBA at Cornell Univ in 1979. I worked there until the mid 1990’s as Materials Manager and Plant Manager when I got the urge to go out and do more on my own.

This included a run for a position in our local County Legislature. Although I lost the campaign, it was an incredible experience- going door to door, attending local events etc and gave me a sense of political campaigns on a larger scale.

My political run was inspired by the year I spent right after Midd graduation in Washington DC working for my local Congressman and a study commission he co-chaired- The Commission on Federal Paperwork! While working on a variety of projects, my primary job was to set up and man a Toll Free Hot line for anyone to call in complaints about excessive forms. The main caller to the Hot Line happened to be my Mother who would call “just checking in”!

To this day, tangible lasting evidence of the Commission’s work is found on every bill Congress considers- it has to have a “Paperwork Impact Statement” (akin to an Environmental Impact Statement) for the amount of time it takes to fill out any mandated forms that may come from that bill or any other gov’t forms.

Favorite Memory  Dr Jazz parties at Sig Ep (well a blurred memory)

Memorable Professors Rowland Illick and Vincent Malmstrom- both Geography.
While Illick and I had some strong differences on the Israeli/Arab conflict- he was my adviser and I greatly admired him. Malmstrom was an incredible lecturer who combined wit and dry humor into his talks.

Memorable Song  Introduced to “The Boss” Bruce Springsteen by Eric Silverman- Frosh hall mate and roommate Sr year- a Philly boy with close Jersey Shore connections.
Memorable song has to be “Born to Run”

Old Photos:

Eric Siverman, John Germanow, Andy Sobel, Dave Byrd

Midd Grad '76 w Eric, Andy, John, Dave Byrd

Peter Prescott and Eric Silverman

Midd Lax Peter Prescott and Eric Silverman

John with Betsy Kuphal

Midd Grad '76 John & Betsy Kuphal

Eric Silverman and Senior Thesis

Midd Eric S w Thesis


Family info:  Married to Patty Forbes ’76 for 40 years — yes, we married the day before graduation at the Weybridge Congregational Church, with many Midd friends in attendance.  We have three adult daughters.  Sage teaches high school math in Brooklyn.  She and her wife Amber have four-year-old and one-year-old sons — great joys to us, their moms and their two aunts.  Nora is a bio-chemist doing post-doctoral Alzheimer’s research in Portland, OR.  Amy, also in Brooklyn, is a labor and delivery nurse by day and studying to become a nurse practitioner by night.  Patty and I live in Arlington, VA and North Ferrisburgh, VT.

Contact info:

Professional background:  Since graduation I’ve been a government lawyer — first in the Army, then at the Department of Justice and finally at the IRS.  Patty and I are now retired and finding no shortage of things to keep us busy.

Favorite memories:  Meeting Patty Forbes while clebrating Lisa Bent’s birthday at the Pine Room with a bunch of classmates.  Playing in the Sound Investment Orchestra (a “big band” that appears still to exist at Middlebury), working the pit in a winter term production of Man of La Mancha and participating in other musical opportunities that would not have been within my reach in a larger pond.  Hooray for small liberal arts institutions!

Memorable professors:  Murray Dry, Howard Munford, Dennis O’Brien, John Conran, Phil Gura.

Memorable song: Not a song, but an introduction to a broad range of jazz thanks to Bill Haas’s reel-to-reel recordings of Ed Beach’s WRVR broadcasts.

Old photos: Cutouts from our Midd IDs.


Here’s a picture of Bill Haas, my roommate, drummer for the Sound Investment Orchestra, an architect and a dear friend.

Bill Haas

Brad Gay

Family: I just married Karen Kirkwood last fall. She has two boys.  They are Scott, who is 26, and Drew, who is 22.  I have two boys and they are Brendan, who is 23, and Connor who is 20.  We have all lived together for about 8 years.  We live in Westford, MA and on Lake Winnipesaukee in NH on weekends.

Contact info978-505-3626 and

Professional Background: I was in marketing in consumer products for 10 years, then ran various medical device companies for twenty years and now own a sporting goods company.

Favorite Memories:  Skiing at the Snow Bowl, playing squash at the field house and learning scuba in the McCullough pool.  I also loved living in the Voter suites junior year.

Memorable Professors:  DK Smith, Murray Dry, Richard Turner and John Hunisak.  I also can’t forget Dean Erica Wonnacott.

Memorable Song: Nights in White Satin

Family:  Married to Meg Ricci (24 years). Parent of Christian Holmes (age 24; Midd ’14)

Contact Information:; 203-940-0555 (cell)

Professional Background: Eight years in politics, 26 years in public relations.  Currently freelance consulting at Gary Holmes Communications (see website).  And here’s the blog I write about popular culture.

Favorite memory: Lying on a blanket in back of the New Dorms late one night, watching a lot of shooting stars and shooting the breeze about the universe.  (Man that was heavy!)  My first A+ on a paper (second semester senior year!!)  Swimming at the quarry.  Seeing the Aurora Borealis.

Memorable professors: Mrs. Ilgen, my thesis advisor, who stuck with me; Phil Gura, my American Lit professor, who was barely older than us; Murray Dry, who still intimidates me so much that I was afraid to introduce myself when I saw him at the Middlebury Bakery two years ago.

Most memorable song: “Layla”


Favorite Middlebury Photo: (With Leslie Donovan, Betsy Shreve and Jim Robinson)

Graduation 1976

Runner-up Favorite Photo: This photo is from Easter 1974: Karen Wicklund, Betsy Kuphal, Jim Robinson, Betsy Shreve, Rachel Bulbulian, Keith Block, Ron Witt, Cary Miller ’75.

Middlebury Easter