Convocation Reminiscences — Class of 1976


These were the reminiscences of the Class of 1976 as presented at Convocation by Gary Holmes:

The 1970s was a good time to be in Vermont, far away from Watergate, the fall of Saigon, inflation, the gas crisis, the Arab-Israeli war and the looming threat of disco.

Our hair was shaggy, our shirts were flannel and the residences behind Pearson were still called the New Dorms. When our parents bought dinner we went to the Dog Team.  When we did, we went to Tony’s pizza. The drinking age was 18 and we took our business to The Alibi.

We began at Bread Loaf, with President Armstrong beating us in wood-chopping, and ended behind Forest with Holy Olin Robinson handing out diplomas.

In between we saw the final dismantling of parietal rules for late-night visits to Battell, experienced our first Aurora Borealis, survived the Otter Creek raft race, skinny-dipped at The Quarry, and somehow managed to learn more than we’d ever learn again in our lives.

Welcome back.


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