Chandler Lee


Carolyn and Chandler in Patagonia

Family: I have been married to Carolyn Stone for 22 years. We are happily childless and petless. Our extended family includes fellow San Francisco Midd Kids: Chris Mead, Eli Haizlip, Jill and Gail Robinson, Halsted Wheeler, Rich Hodges, Larry Moulton and Molly Miottel. Carolyn and I love to travel and I have exhibited photographs from our trips in art galleries and on my website:


Profession: I transferred to UC Berkeley after sophomore year. I graduated with a major in Urban Geography and have been a city planner in the San Francisco Bay Area for 40 years. I started my own business in 1991 helping cities revitalize their downtowns and transform large tracts of land into pedestrian-oriented, mixed use neighborhoods.

Favorite Memories: Hearing new music from my hall mates in Stewart Hall, riding in the back of Peter Gay’s vintage fire truck with stimulated classmates and a keg of beer, skiing at Stowe and Mad River Glen, winter terms and spring breaks, and enjoying the changing views of the Vermont landscape from my room in Hadley Hall.

Memorable Song:  Dixie Chickens by Little Feat

Old Photos:


Molly Miottel, Chris Mead, Rick Ridder, Chandler Lee, Kim Fricke, Peter Gay, Steve Brown (Photo by Halsted Wheeler)

Harriet1973Chris Mead, Rick Ridder, Peter Gay, Peter Lizotte, Joan Reichert, Chandler Lee (Photo by Halsted Wheeler)

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