Gary Gray


Family info:  Married to Patty Forbes ’76 for 40 years — yes, we married the day before graduation at the Weybridge Congregational Church, with many Midd friends in attendance.  We have three adult daughters.  Sage teaches high school math in Brooklyn.  She and her wife Amber have four-year-old and one-year-old sons — great joys to us, their moms and their two aunts.  Nora is a bio-chemist doing post-doctoral Alzheimer’s research in Portland, OR.  Amy, also in Brooklyn, is a labor and delivery nurse by day and studying to become a nurse practitioner by night.  Patty and I live in Arlington, VA and North Ferrisburgh, VT.

Contact info:

Professional background:  Since graduation I’ve been a government lawyer — first in the Army, then at the Department of Justice and finally at the IRS.  Patty and I are now retired and finding no shortage of things to keep us busy.

Favorite memories:  Meeting Patty Forbes while clebrating Lisa Bent’s birthday at the Pine Room with a bunch of classmates.  Playing in the Sound Investment Orchestra (a “big band” that appears still to exist at Middlebury), working the pit in a winter term production of Man of La Mancha and participating in other musical opportunities that would not have been within my reach in a larger pond.  Hooray for small liberal arts institutions!

Memorable professors:  Murray Dry, Howard Munford, Dennis O’Brien, John Conran, Phil Gura.

Memorable song: Not a song, but an introduction to a broad range of jazz thanks to Bill Haas’s reel-to-reel recordings of Ed Beach’s WRVR broadcasts.

Old photos: Cutouts from our Midd IDs.


Here’s a picture of Bill Haas, my roommate, drummer for the Sound Investment Orchestra, an architect and a dear friend.

Bill Haas

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