Gary Holmes

Family:  Married to Meg Ricci (24 years). Parent of Christian Holmes (age 24; Midd ’14)

Contact Information:; 203-940-0555 (cell)

Professional Background: Eight years in politics, 26 years in public relations.  Currently freelance consulting at Gary Holmes Communications (see website).  And here’s the blog I write about popular culture.

Favorite memory: Lying on a blanket in back of the New Dorms late one night, watching a lot of shooting stars and shooting the breeze about the universe.  (Man that was heavy!)  My first A+ on a paper (second semester senior year!!)  Swimming at the quarry.  Seeing the Aurora Borealis.

Memorable professors: Mrs. Ilgen, my thesis advisor, who stuck with me; Phil Gura, my American Lit professor, who was barely older than us; Murray Dry, who still intimidates me so much that I was afraid to introduce myself when I saw him at the Middlebury Bakery two years ago.

Most memorable song: “Layla”


Favorite Middlebury Photo: (With Leslie Donovan, Betsy Shreve and Jim Robinson)

Graduation 1976

Runner-up Favorite Photo: This photo is from Easter 1974: Karen Wicklund, Betsy Kuphal, Jim Robinson, Betsy Shreve, Rachel Bulbulian, Keith Block, Ron Witt, Cary Miller ’75.

Middlebury Easter

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